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WebHtmlEditor -13.1 is creating performance issue in IE11 browser(Note : In server side we forced to render our application in IE9 browser mode)

.Net(4.0- Framework): Issue:1: We have a home.ascx file inside this file we used 108 webhtmleditor. For page loading/rendering itself very slow and user is typing a commnets and clicking on save button ,It's keep on clocking(processing) to save the data more than 30 minutes of time. I tried in server side to set viewstate property set as disable for those controls but no luck. Although , I added BrowserTarget="UpLevel" property for all webhtmleditor in that .ascx file (In my system its working fine and saving the data in 3 mins). But in my teammate machine it's not working browser is saying there is no enough memory to process.  It's very urgent issue. COuld you please suggest the best solution. Am anticipating your response. Thanks in advance.

Issue 2: While copy pasting into webhtmleditor we are seeing html tags and along with data. how to overcome this issue in IE11 browser.

Please provide the code snippet for both the issues.