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What are the Best Practices of using Infragistics Assemblies


I would like to know what are the best practices of using infragistics assemblies and how to upgrade infragistics assemblies in VisualStudio projects seamlessly.

Why I asked this question because, when i replaced InfragisticsWPF.Documents.Excel v14.2 assembly with v15.2, there were no compile time errors. However, at run time there was an exception which suggested me to include "InfragisticsWPF.Documents.Core". 

Since I have many assemblies to be upgraded to v15.2 in my multi-projects visual studio solution, to avoid regression/ runtime exceptions of missing references, I would like to know the best practice/procedure in upgrading them.

Thanks in advance.

  • 28945
    Suggested Answer
    Offline posted

    Hello Manik,

    The Documens.Core assembly should be required for volume 14.2. The list of required references is listed here for the controls your applications are using:

    For best practices we always encourage you to use the version utility that is shipped with each volume release.

    This will update and replace each referenced assembly in your project(s) without having to do so manually by replacing them through visual studio.

    Let me know if you have any additional questions regarding this matter.