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OLAP PivotGrid control only works once per browser instance.

Trying to demo the Ignite UI OLAP PivotTable grid to a few stakeholders in our company. I took the HTML example off this website and saved it as a new HTML file running on a web server in out environment. The JS references I left pointing to Infragistics server (see below). When I access the page from a browser on a desktop that's on our network, the pivot table is populated with data from our SSAS OLAP server and works as expected on the first try. (Trial message is visible as expected). However if we refresh the browser we get an endless spinner in the content area and the pivot cubes, dimensions and measures are all banked out.

What's odd is if I have multiple browsers on a system I can access it one time on each browser on each desktop that I try.

Is this a built in limitation of the trial version? Is this because I'm referencing the JS files on Infragistics server? Just curious how to get past this to show to a few more people.

<!-- Ignite UI Required Combined CSS Files -->
<link href="" rel="stylesheet" />
<link href="" rel="stylesheet" />

<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>

<!-- Ignite UI Required Combined JavaScript Files -->
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>


  • 23953
    Offline posted

    Hello Jeremy,

    No, the trial version doesn't restrict you from loading the page more than once. I suspect that there is a JavaScript error showing in the browser's error console. Can you check that out to see if this is the case.

    Thanks in advance,
    Martin Pavlov
    Infragistics, Inc.