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Null reference exception in UltraWInToolbars - rare occurrences

When running my application in prolonged testing in VS2015 - Debug mode I occasionally get an exception when trying to open the file menu of my application:

UltraWinToolbars.ListToolMenuItem.GetMenuItemNotificationBadge - null reference exception

Exiting the application and restarting and everything works again. Any ideas on possible root causes or ways to debug?

  • 4625
    Offline posted

    Hi Mats,

    Thank you for posting in our forums!

    There is a similar issue known to us that might be related to yours as well. The good news is that this issue is now fixed in the latest service release of Infragistics Windows Forms 15 Vol. 2 and you might want to give it a try via upgrading to the latest version.

    For further information about what’s changed and improved in the latest service release, please read the following engineering blog post.

    In order to save you some time, I am providing you with link for download of the latest service release.

    Please let me know if you have additional questions regarding this matter.