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WebDataGrid Accessibility Compliance does not wotk with enter

Dear Infracistics Team,
I am using a WebDataGrid Version 11.2. I try to implement WebDataGrid Accessibility Compliance. Espacally the function "ENTER / PAGE DOWN -- Triggers a click if the cell is a cell button. Navigates to a cell's Target URL, if any exists;" But this is never working. I already tried to use LinkButton within TemplateDataField or add HTML anchor added in the initialRow-Event (example: e.Row.Items(1).Text = "<a href='xxx.aspx'>any Text</a>")

But just using the keyboard, it is inpossible to reach the links for further navigation. Also it is not possible to set the Target URL because there is no property for this.

Do you have any example for this feature? So I can see on that example what i did wrong.
Thanks for your help in advance.

  • 2680
    Offline posted

    Hello Andre,

    Thank you for contacting Infragistics.

    The version 11.2 is retired and no longer supported. Please take a look at this page for detailed information regarding this - .

    If you want to enable accessibility compliance you should enable the WebDataGrid's activation:

        <ig:Activation Enabled="true"></ig:Activation>

    If you want to update the navigate url server-side you can do it on OnInitializeRow event:

    protected void WebDataGrid1_InitializeRow(object sender, RowEventArgs e)
            HyperLink hl= e.Row.Items[3].FindControl("lnkSavedAt") as HyperLink;
            hl.NavigateUrl = "";

    This is the declaration of my column:

    <ig:TemplateDataField Key="SavedAt" Width="80px">
                          <asp:HyperLink ID="lnkSavedAt" runat="server" Text='<%#Eval("BirthDate", "{0:MM/dd/yyyy}") %>'
                      <Header Text="Snap At" />

    Please let me know if you need anything else.

  • 45
    Verified Answer
    posted in reply to Tihomir Iliev

    Dear Tihomir Iliev

    thanks for your answer. Unfortuantely I still could not reach the link with just using the Keyboard.

    But the following code works fine. This is using just html instead of the HyperLink Control.

    Private Sub oList_InitializeRow(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As Infragistics.WebUI.UltraWebGrid.RowEventArgs) Handles oList.InitializeRow

    Dim objdsn As Guid

    objdsn = e.Row.Cells(0).Value

    e.Row.Cells(8).Value = "<a href='Test.aspx?DSN=" & objdsn.ToString & "' ><span class='fa fa-file fa-lg' ></span></a>"

    End Sub

    No idea why this way works and the other way not. The result within the browser is nearly the same. But I found a solution.

    Thanks again for your help.