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Dynamically setting DataSource for AutoCompleteMode.Suggest


I am using UltraCombo with AutoCompleteMode.Suggest and I want to auto populate it  with data that will come from database

when user types 2 characters.

The issue I am experiencing is that Auto Suggest List is not displayed when I set DataSource after 2nd character but rather on the 3rd character.

Is there a way I can force AutoSuggest drop down list once I set DataSource?

ultraCombo.KeyUp += (sender, args) =>
var combo = sender as UltraCombo;
var value = combo.Text ?? "";

if (value.Length == 2)
combo.DataSource =
    new List<string>{

   // Force elements from DataSource to get displayed o

When I type AA I would like to populate list and get it dysplayed, AytoComplete will be filtering list for other characters length (3,4,5....)