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"cannot call methods on igGridUpdating prior to initialization; attempted to call method 'setCellValue'"

I have a igTreeGrid and i am trying to update a cell in parent row based on the values in child row on "editCellEnded" event.

I am trying to call "setCellValue" but i keep getting this error: "cannot call methods on igGridUpdating prior to initialization; attempted to call method 'setCellValue'"

How can i update my parent cell value?

I tried your solution of calling the igGridUpdating with the following variations, all give the same error:

$("#treegrid").igGridUpdating("setCellValue", $(parentTR).attr("data-id"), ui.columnKey, sum );

$("#" + $("#treegrid").igTreeGrid("id")).igGridUpdating("setCellValue", $(parentTR).attr("data-id"), ui.columnKey, sum );

$("#treegrid").igTreeGrid("widget").igGridUpdating("setCellValue", $(parentTR).attr("data-id"), ui.columnKey, sum );

$("#treegrid").igGrid("widget").igGridUpdating("setCellValue", $(parentTR).attr("data-id"), ui.columnKey, sum );

I am using jquery-1.10.2.js, jquery-ui-1.11.4.js

Here is my code:

width: "100%",
//dataSource: gridData, //bound to flat data source,
autoGenerateColumns: false,
primaryKey: "bgt_rowid",
foreignKey: "bgt_prowid",
initialExpandDepth: 0,
updateUrl: "Services/BudgetService.asmx/Update",
autoCommit : true,
columns: [
{ headerText: "שם", key: "bgt_rowname" , width: "300px" , dataType: "string" },
{ headerText: "rowID", key: "bgt_rowid", width: "100px", dataType: "number" , hidden: true},//must column. without it the grid is not working properly.
{ headerText: "ParentID", key: "bgt_prowid", width: "100px", dataType: "number", hidden: true },//must column. without it the grid is not working properly.
//dynamically add columns
<% br=""> For Each col As Builder.Tarbut.DAL.BudgetColumn In GridCols
Response.Write(String.Format("{{ headerText: ""{0}"", key: ""{1}"", dataType: ""number"" }},", col.ColTitle, col.ID))
features: [
name: "Selection",
multipleSelection: true,
mode: "cell",
activation: true
name: "Sorting",
applySortedColumnCss: false,
//mode: "multi"
name: "Filtering",
//filterButtonLocation : "right",
labels: {
advancedButtonLabel: "Advanced",
after: "לפני",
before: "אחרי",
clear: "נקה סינון",
contains: "מכיל",
doesNotContain: "אינו מכיל",
doesNotEqual: "שונה מ",
empty: "ריק",
endsWith: "מסתיים ב",
equals: "שווה ל",
false: "false",
falseLabel: "false",
filterDialogCaptionLabel: "Advanced Filtering",
greaterThan: "גדול מ",
greaterThanOrEqualTo: "גדול או שווה ל",
lessThan: "קטן מ",
lessThanOrEqualTo: "קטן או שווה ל",
startsWith: "מתחיל ב"

nullTexts: {
after: "לפני...",
before: "אחרי...",
clear: "נקה סינון",
contains: "מכיל...",
doesNotContain: "אינו מכיל...",
doesNotEqual: "שונה מ...",
empty: "ריק",
endsWith: "מסתיים ב...",
equals: "שווה ל...",
false: "false",
falseLabel: "false",
filterDialogCaptionLabel: "Advanced Filtering",
greaterThan: "גדול מ...",
greaterThanOrEqualTo: "גדול או שווה ל...",
lessThan: "קטן מ...",
lessThanOrEqualTo: "קטן או שווה ל...",
startsWith: "מתחיל ב...",
name: "Paging",
pageSizeDropDownLabel: "הצג",
pageSizeDropDownTooltip: "בחר מספר רשומות לתצוגה",
pageSizeDropDownTrailingLabel: "רשומות",
currentPageDropDownLeadingLabel: "Current XX Page XX",
currentPageDropDownTrailingLabel: "X Pages XXX",
firstPageLabelText: "ראשון",
firstPageTooltip: "עבור לדף הראשון",
lastPageLabelText: "אחרון",
lastPageTooltip: "עבור לדף האחרון",
nextPageLabelText: "הבא",
nextPageTooltip: "עבור לדף הבא",
prevPageLabelText: "הקודם",
prevPageTooltip: "עבור לדף הקודם",
pagerRecordsLabelTemplate: "${startRecord} עד ${endRecord} מתוך ${recordCount}",

pageSize: 50
name: "Updating",
//enableAddRow: true,
enableAddChild: true,
addRowLabel: "הוסף שורה",
cancelLabel: "   בטל",
doneLabel: "   המשך",
editMode: "cell",
enableDeleteRow: true,
excelNavigationMode: true,
horizontalMoveOnEnter: true,
validation: true,
startEditTriggers: "click,f2,enter",
columnSettings: [
columnKey: "bgt_rowname", editorOptions: {
type: "text",
required: true
//disabled: true
editCellEnded: function(evt, ui){
if (ui.update){
alert (ui.columnKey + ": " + ui.value);
var currentTR = $("#treegrid tr[data-id='" + ui.rowID + "']");
var levelToSum = $(currentTR).attr("aria-level");
while (levelToSum > 0)
//find parent by attribute aria-level="2"
var parentTR = $(currentTR).prev();
while ($(parentTR).attr("aria-level") != levelToSum-1)
parentTR = $(parentTR).prev();

//sum all children of parent by attribute
//aria-owns="treegrid_127 treegrid_128"
var sum = 0;
var arrChildren = parentTR.attr('aria-owns').split(' ');
$.each(arrChildren, function(i, childId){
var rowId = childId.split('_').pop();//get the id
var val = $("#treegrid").igTreeGrid("getCellValue", rowId, ui.columnKey);
sum+= val;

//update cell with sum value. rowId, colKey, value
$("#treegrid").igGridUpdating("setCellValue", $(parentTR).attr("data-id"), ui.columnKey, sum );

rowExpanded: function (evt, ui) {

How can i update my parent cell value?

Thanks for your help,
