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Collapsed UltraSplitter and corresponding control size after expansion


When a collapsed UltraSplitter is expanded, the corresponding UltraPanel (or other control) is resized back to the size it had before the UltraSplitter was collapsed. Where can I get or set this size while the UltraSplitter is collapsed? It must be stored somewhere (in some property of the UltraSplitter I suppose) but I can't figure out where.

Thank you.

  • 12480
    Offline posted

    Hi Pavel,

    You can control this using the RestoreExtent property on the UltraSplitter:

    ultraSplitter1.RestoreExtent = 100;

    Please note that this property is hidden from Intellisense. It's public so that it will be serialized and we hide it because we felt it would clutter up the object model.

    Please let me know if you have any further questions.