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Move ultragrid rows to the top of the grid


I want to move a row to top of grid based on a condition.

I am iterating through the row collection of ultragrid and if a condition is met on a couple of column's data, I want to move that row to the top of the grid.

I can't leverage fixed-rows collection as my others data rows will be lost if I just show Fixedrows.

A couple more questions on Ultragrid are as follows:

1. How do we show the rich text editor on a column in ultragrid so user can enter his comments in Bold, italic etc.. A sample would be great

2. A Developer's guide for Ultragrid would be great , like how to do basic stuff with Ultragrid, like grouping, Adding columns,Data Mapping etc.. Right now we have to search for every feature that we need to do with Ultragrid. 

But a logical flow of How to's would help us to quick start faster and easier.
