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Adding multiple new rows without "Add new row" button


Please help!

I am trying to add a new row to igGrid table. I have a button "Add" when I click on it I want to add a new blank row where I can enter values.  

When I am trying to do something like this:

jQuery("#securityOnlyModel").igGridUpdating("option", "enableAddRow", true);


It is adding a new row with "Add new row" button which I don't want. I want to add a row directly into edit mode. 

Also I want to add multiple rows at the same time. So if I click on "Add" multiple times I want to add multiple rows and then I can enter values at the same time. 

One more thing, right now all the rows are read only so that I can not change their values but in the case of new row I should be able to enter values in it. 

