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encodeSortingParams issue in infragistics

The infragistics.core.js  uses encodeSortingParams() function encode the $orderby clause of a remote url. When performing sorting and grouping


In the Sub Application List Hierarchical grid, we have

SubApplicationList (Main)

                Bit Llist (Child)

                RTA List (Child)


When adding a child field as group by. Order by expression for parent is having the child field name , causing bad request error.





  • 29417
    Offline posted

    Hello Sathiyaprakash Kumar, 

    Thank you for posting in our forum. 

    Could you provide some additional information on the exact scenario and steps such as:

            1. Which version of the IgniteUI are you currently using ?

            2. Are both the Sorting and GroupBy feature set to be remote ?

            3. What are the exact steps that reproduce the issue (for example you sort a parent column and then group by on the child column or something similar)?

    I’m looking forward to your reply. 


    Best Regards,

    Maya Kirova

    Infragistics, Inc.



  • 40
    Offline posted in reply to Maya Kirova

    Infragistics.Web.ClientUI data source localization resources 15.1.20151.1005


    Yes Both Sorting and GroupBy feature set to be remote


    This issue is occurs when I add a group by in child table, and sort or move to another page(retrieve) of the parent grid.


    Below is my grid definition.



            autoGenerateColumns: false,

            autoGenerateLayouts: false,

            renderCheckboxes: true,

            width: "100%",

            dataSource: ADESC_DATASOURCE_URL + "/Users(" + CURRENT_USER_ID + ")/SubApplicationList?$filter=Active eq true",

            responseDataKey: "value",

            initialDataBindDepth: 0,

            primaryKey: "ID",

            odata: true,

            rest: true,

            columns: [

               // { headerText: "Active", key: "Active", width: "5%", dataType: "bool" },

                { headerText: "ID", key: "ID", dataType: "number", width: "5%", template: "${ID}" },

                { headerText: "Geography / Application", key: "GeographyApplicationDisplayString", dataType: "string", width: "25%" },

                { headerText: "Sub-Application Name", key: "SubApplicationName", dataType: "string", width: "40%" },

                { headerText: "Assigned User(s)", key: "AssignedUsersDisplayName", dataType: "string", width: "10%" },

                { headerText: "Modified Date", key: "ModifiedDate", dataType: "date", format: "MM-dd-yyyy", width: "17%" },

                { headerText: "#Pending RTAs", key: "PendingRtaCount", dataType: "number", width: "10%" },

                //{ headerText: "#Active Bits", key: "ActiveBitsCount", dataType: "number", width: "10%" },

                { headerText: "AssignedUserIds_hidden", key: 'AssignedUserIds', dataType: 'string', width: '0%', hidden: "true" },

                { headerText: "OwnersUserIds_hidden", key: 'OwnersUserIds', dataType: 'string', width: '0%', hidden: "true" },

                { headerText: "Actions", key: "NOT_IMPLEMENTED", dataType: "string", width: "10%", unbound: true, formula: getSubApplicationActionTemplate }


            features: [


                    name: "Paging",

                    type: "remote",

                    pageSize: 10,

                    recordCountKey: "odata.count",

                    pageIndexUrlKey: null,

                    pageSizeUrlKey: null



                    name: "Resizing"



                    name: "Sorting",

                    type: "remote",

                    columnSettings: [

                        { columnKey: "GeographyApplicationDisplayString", currentSortDirection: "ascending" },

                        { columnKey: "SubApplicationName", currentSortDirection: "ascending" },

                        { columnKey: "AssignedUsersDisplayName", allowSorting: false }




                    name: "Responsive",

                    enableVerticalRendering: false,

                    columnSettings: [


                            columnKey: "ID",

                            classes: "ui-hidden-phone"



                            columnKey: "ModifiedBy",

                            classes: "ui-hidden-tablet ui-hidden-phone"



                            columnKey: "NumberPendingRTAs",

                            classes: "ui-hidden-phone"



                            columnKey: "NumberActiveBits",

                            classes: "ui-hidden-phone"





                    name: "GroupBy",

                    columnSettings: [


                            columnKey: "GeographyApplicationDisplayString",

                            isGroupBy: true



                    groupedColumnsChanged: function (evt, ui) {





                    name: "Tooltips",

                    columnSettings: [

                        { columnKey: "AssignedUsersDisplayName", allowTooltips: true }


                    visibility: "always",

                    showDelay: 1000,

                    hideDelay: 500



            rowsRendered: function (evt, ui) {



            columnLayouts: [


                        childrenDataProperty: "RtaList",

                        key: "RtaList",

                        name: "RtaList",

                        autoGenerateColumns: false,

                        autoGenerateLayouts: false,

                        responseDataKey: "value",

                        dataSource: ADESC_DATASOURCE_URL + "/SubApplicationList",

                        primaryKey: "Id",

                        odata: true,

                        rest: true,

                        width: "100%",

                        columns: [

                        { headerText: "RTA #", key: "Id", dataType: "number", width: "20%", template: "${Id}" },

                         { headerText: "Type", key: "Type", dataType: "string", width: "10%" },

                            { headerText: "RTA Status", key: "Status", dataType: "string", width: "25%" },

                            { headerText: "RequiredDate", key: "RequiredDate", dataType: "date", format: "MM-dd-yyyy", width: "15%" },

                            { headerText: "SubmittedBy", key: "SubmittedBy", dataType: "string", format: "MM-dd-yyyy", width: "20%" },



                                headerText: "Actions",

                                key: "actions",

                                dataType: "string",

                                width: "10%",

                                unbound: true




                        features: [



                            name: "Paging",

                            type: "remote",

                            pageSize: 5,

                            recordCountKey: "odata.count",

                            pageIndexUrlKey: null,

                            pageSizeUrlKey: null



                            name: "Resizing"



                            name: "Responsive",

                            enableVerticalRendering: false,

                            columnSettings: [


                                    columnKey: "RequiredDate",

                                    classes: "ui-hidden-tablet ui-hidden-phone"



                                    columnKey: "Status",

                                    classes: "ui-hidden-phone"



                                    columnKey: "SubmittedBy",

                                    classes: "ui-hidden-tablet"







                                name: "Sorting",

                                type: "remote"




                                name: "Filtering",

                                type: "remote"





                        childrenDataProperty: "BitList",

                        key: "BitList",

                        name: "BitList",

                        autoGenerateColumns: false,

                        autoGenerateLayouts: false,

                        responseDataKey: "value",

                        primaryKey: "MaterialNumber",

                        odata: true,

                        rest: true,

                        width: "100%",

                        columns: [

                            { headerText: "Mat. Num.", key: "MaterialNumber", dataType: "number", width: "8%", template: "${MaterialNumber}"},

                            { headerText: "Part Name", key: "PartFileName", dataType: "text", width: "8%" },

                            { headerText: "Sub PSL", key: "SubPSL", dataType: "text", width: "8%" },

                            { headerText: "Series", key: "Series", dataType: "text", width: "8%" },

                            { headerText: "RTA(s)", key: "RTANumber", dataType: "object", width: "15%" },

                            { headerText: "Size", key: "Size", dataType: "number",  width: "15%", template: "${Size}\"" },

                            { headerText: "Bit Type", key: "BitType", dataType: "string", width: "15%" },

                            { headerText: "Completed Date", key: "CompletedDate", dataType: "string", width: "15%" },


                                headerText: "Actions",

                                key: "Actions",

                                dataType: "string",

                                width: "10%",

                                unbound: true



                        features: [


                                name: "GroupBy"



                            name: "Paging",

                            type: "local",

                            pageSize: 5,

                            recordCountKey: "odata.count",

                            pageIndexUrlKey: null,

                            pageSizeUrlKey: null



                            name: "Responsive",

                            enableVerticalRendering: false,

                            columnSettings: [


                                    columnKey: "RtaNumImportBit",

                                    classes: "ui-hidden-tablet  ui-hidden-phone"



                                    columnKey: "BitSize",

                                    classes: " ui-hidden-phone"





                            name: "Filtering",

                           type: "Local"







    Thank you for your help.

