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Export To Excel Build Error

I am trying to build the source code provided in below URL for ExportTpExcel.wpf.xaml.cs in VS2012.

But I am unable to resolve below references:

using IGExcel.Resources;
using Infragistics.Samples.Framework;
using Infragistics.Samples.Shared.DataProviders;
using Infragistics.Samples.Shared.Extensions;
using Infragistics.Samples.Shared.Models;

Kindly, please suggest from where I can download the source code in order to resolve these references as I am unable to find any such source codes for these references.

My source code is available as an attachment

  • 17475
    Offline posted

    Hello Richa,

    The Export to Excel sample is part of the WPF Samples Browser which can be installed with the WPF product. If you have installed the Samples Browser product, the source code for all the samples is added to C:\Users\Public\Documents\Infragistics\2016.2\WPF\Samples\CLR4.0. You can find the needed resources there.

    If the Samples Browser is not installed on your machine, you can do so by running the platform installer and check the checkbox for the Samples Browser to install it.

    Please feel free to let me know if you have any other questions.