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change color of navigator

how can i change the color of the navigator

  • 2490
    Offline posted


    You can change the style of the Carousel Panel Navigator using the CarouselViewSettings and setting the CarouselPanelNavigatorStyle  with a custom one.

    If you want to change the color, you can use the default styles which are located in C:\Program Files (x86)\Infragistics\2016.2\WPF\DefaultStyles\Windows\ PrimitivesGeneric.xaml file. You can identify the Style for the CarouselPanelNavigator, copy it in you project and modify elements "Rectangle1" and "Rectangle2" Fill property, which will change the background of the navigator. If you want to change the buttons' colors the styles are in the same file.

    To illustrate this I have prepared a sample application, please find it as an attached file.