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Ultra Datasource Hierarchical Grids


I am trying to use Load on demand with UltraDataSource. My Datasource is a Dataset having 2 table and both are related (Parent - Child).

I am using the code below to show this on my Grid.
But i have not been able to show child rows in the Grid. Please see the code below and suggest me where am i going wrong. A Sample will be most appreciated. Also is it possible to do  Multiple selection on a UltraDatasource without using a Row Selector. My Grid has multiple selection on. But even then i am able to select just 1 row at a time.



    Private Sub LoadDataSource()

        Dim i As Integer






        If AllDrugsDS IsNot Nothing Then

            For i = 0 To AllDrugsDS.Tables(0).Columns.Count - 1

                Me.UltraDataSource1.Band.Columns.Add(AllDrugsDS.Tables(0).Columns(i).ColumnName, AllDrugsDS.Tables(0).Columns(i).DataType)





            For i = 0 To AllDrugsDS.Tables(1).Columns.Count - 1

                Me.UltraDataSource1.Band.ChildBands("1").Columns.Add(AllDrugsDS.Tables(1).Columns(i).ColumnName, AllDrugsDS.Tables(0).Columns(i).DataType)




            ' Set the row count. This is how many rows we will have.



        End If




        ' Disable any data modifications.


        'Me.UltraDataSource1.AllowAdd = False

        'Me.UltraDataSource1.AllowDelete = False

        'Me.UltraDataSource1.ReadOnly = True


        ' Set the LoadStyle to LoadOnDemand so the UltraGrid doesn't pre-load

        ' all the rows. LoadOnDemand load style creates rows as they are needed

        ' (for example when they are scrolled into view). You must do this

        ' before setting the DataSource on the UltraGrid.


        Me.grdDrugs.DisplayLayout.LoadStyle = LoadStyle.LoadOnDemand

        Me.grdDrugs.DataSource = Me.UltraDataSource1


        ' Disable sorting. If not disabled, when the user sorts rows, UltraGrid

        ' will create all the rows.

        Me.grdDrugs.DisplayLayout.Override.HeaderClickAction = HeaderClickAction.Select

    End Sub


    Private Sub UltraDataSource1_CellDataRequested(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As Infragistics.Win.UltraWinDataSource.CellDataRequestedEventArgs) Handles UltraDataSource1.CellDataRequested


        If e.Column.Band.Key <> "Band 0" Then

            e.Data = AllDrugsDS.Tables(1).Rows(e.Row.Index)(e.Column.Index)


            e.Data = AllDrugsDS.Tables(0).Rows(e.Row.Index)(e.Column.Index)

        End If



        ' By default UltraDataSource will cache the provided cell value and not ask for

        ' it next time it's needed. Set CacheData to false to prevent UltraDataSource

        ' from doing so.

        e.CacheData = True


    End Sub

