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Populating a cell's ValueList according to another cell's ValueList value


I have an UltraWebGrid NA2010.3 to allow my users enter their timesheet; In filling out each timesheet row, they have a work type column which is of type ValueList and which is populated on page load. When filling in each row, when a value is selected, a second column Work SubType (also a ValueList) is populated based on the Work type selection. This is done in javascript using the grdTimeSheet_AfterCellUpdateHandler and calling a web method (in the code behind) returning the list to populate the SubType ValueList. This works fine.

My problem is when I load the timesheet from the database; in this case I am populating each row one at a time and setting the row's work type works as expected with the ValueList present if some user clicks on the type cell. Setting the subtype also works, but the dropdown ValueList is not populated (looks like the AfterCellUpdated handler does not work in this case?).

Is there a way I can populate the subtype dropdown foreach row based on the value of that row's type value?