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Formulaire entête et détail

Comment et avec quel composant infagistics peut on créer un formulaire web avec une entête et des lignes détails:

Exemple une facture

N° Facture:  xxxxxxxxxxxxx                   Date facture : xx/xx/xxxx

Code Client:

Code article        Designation        Qte       Prix U         Total

xxxxxxxx                  xxxxxxxxxxxxx         xxx       xxxxx            xxxxxxx

xxxxxxxx                  xxxxxxxxxxxxxx       xxx       xxxxx            xxxxxxx

xxxxxx                      xxxxxxxxxxxxxx      xxx       xxxxx            xxxxxxx

  • 22852
    Offline posted


    Are you looking for the details to be editable or only viewing the details?

    If you are looking to only view the details, then you could show the contents using ASP.NET Labels setting values of the labels to what you want to display.  For the tabular data that have, you could use the WebDataGrid.

    If you are looking for editing then you could use the WebEditors to display the values rather than using labels.

    Let me know if you have any questions with this matter.