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Wrong edit format for decimal BoundDataField on webDataGrid


On a WebDataGrid, I have a BoundDataField of type DECIMAL,

When I want to edit throught cell editing core :

Example 1 : for the number 832,47 it show 83247 (decimal 47 isn't anymore)

Example 2 : for the number 2148,67 it show 2148,670000000000073 (decimal 67 stay, it's ok)

The data is defined on sql database as decimal(11,2)

Here you are the code : 

    <ig:BoundDataField DataFieldName="MONSAL" Key="MONSAL" DataType="System.Decimal" 
        <Header Text="MONSAL" />

Note : I try to set up the right DataFormatString following the Standard Numeric Format Strings ==> but I don't know which one I have to take in order to display "0,00" format.

Kind Regards.