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Angular directive for igRadialGuage

Edit: Here is the jsfiddle -

I am trying to write a directive for the igRadialGuage control. Firstly, I aim to do a most basic example. The source is pasted below. 

Using the below directive I get the error "TypeError: Object [object Object] has no method 'igRadialGuage'"

Are there any samples of how to build a directive for any of the charts/guages?

app.directive("radialguage", function() {
  return {
    restrict: "E",        // directive is an Element (not Attribute)
    scope: {              // set up directive's isolated scope
      value: "@",        // amount var passed by value 
      max: "@",        // amount var passed by value 
      height: "@" 
    template:             // replacement HTML (can use our scope vars here)
    replace: true,        // replace original markup with template
    transclude: false,    // do not copy original HTML content
    link: function (scope, element, attrs, controller) {
    	console.log(scope.height, scope.max, scope.value);
    	element.igRadialGuage("option", "height", scope.height);
    	element.igRadialGuage("option", "width", "100%");
    	element.igRadialGuage("option", "maximumValue", scope.max);
    	element.igRadialGuage("option", "value", scope.value);
    	scope.$watch("value", function(newValue, oldValue, srcScope) {
    		element.igRadialGuage("option", "value", newValue);

  • 2334
    Verified Answer

    I figured out the issue. Apparently you have to initiate the gauge using the following function rather than using element.igRadialGauge. The jsfiddle is update to show the working example.

                height: scope.height,
                width: "100%",
                maximumValue: scope.max,
                value: scope.value