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MDI Form


I used vs2008 and Infragistic v.11.2.


When show the toolbar form in MDI Ribbon Form, I want to put a toolar below the ribbon. Or attach a ribbon next to the toolbar.

The last question is When I pressed the right mouse button, I want remove pop-up menu.

How can i do?


  • 18495
    Suggested Answer

    Hello Min,

    Thank you for contacting Infragistics.

    I've attached a sample project that demonstrates how to do what you want.

    First of all you need to set UltraToolbarsManager.Office2007UICompatibility to false.  This will enable the toolbar and ribbon to be visible at the same time.

    Next you need to handle the UltraToolbarsManager.BeforeToolbarListDropdown event and set e.Cancel to true.  This will remove the context menu from everywhere except the small down arrow at the end of the QuickAccessToolbar.

    If you want to remove that menu you will need to remove that entire UIElement using a CreationFilter.

    Please let me know if you have any questions about this.