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How do I change the height of a single calendar with overlapping appointments?

We are using the OutlookCalendarView and have been able to change the looks so far which makes it fit in our theme, colors and style. Currently, our calendar looks like below, which uses a bit of reflection to alter some properties. (‘MinItemExtent’, the ‘PreferredItemExtent’, the ‘ActivityColumnHeight’ and the ‘MinEmptySpace’).


As you can see, on the 3rd row, there’s ‘Test 2’ with those grey downwards pointing arrows. I know this is default behavior of outlook in order to indicate there are more appointments, but for the purpose this screen is being used, it’s very awkward they show up.

Our aim is to make that specific calendar grow in size, so there won’t be any need for those grey arrows. So far we’ve managed to calculate some things and resize all calendars, but that makes the overview look rather messy (for our purpose that is).

We tried to change the columnheight of just one calendar row (using reflection), but that doesn’t seem to show up on the UI, yet with snoop we were able to confirm the size was altered by our code. Also, with snoop, we didn’t manage to get this done either, and that’s what brought us here.

Is it possible to change the calendarheight of one calendar?

Kind regards.