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How to get Auto Filter Query Type with Contains?

My Goal:

I have a drop down of people’s name (First Last). The list could get rather large. I want to be able to type in the last name and get all names that contain what I type.  



My List.

Jane Doe

Steve Smith

Phil Smith

Kate Smithy

Kathy Thomas


I start typing Smi


I want to see:

Steve Smith  ßHe should be selected.

Phil Smith

Kate Smithy


I should only be able to type/select items in the list. If I start typing Smyth. I should not be able to leave that as the selected item. If I do not find it in the list then selected value should go back my initial value.



My Problem:

I can get this to work when AutoFilterQueryType=”StartsWith”

When I set AutoFilterQueryType=”Contains” then I can somewhat get it to work. But I loose different features of what I am looking for.



This is my current setup for StartWith:


            <ig:WebDropDown ID="personList" runat="server"  Width="175px" EnableViewState="false" DisplayMode="DropDown" 

                            EnableAnimations="true"   AutoSelectOnMatch="true" EnableAutoCompleteFirstMatch="false"

                            EnableClosingDropDownOnSelect="true" EnableClosingDropDownOnBlur="true"                               

                            EnableCustomValueSelection="false" EnableCustomValues="false"

                            AutoFilterQueryType="StartsWith" EnableDropDownAsChild="true"/>                            



Does anyone know how to make this work with Contains?