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bind database data to infragistics grid


I am facing trouble to binding database data to infragistics grid in mvc.

if anyone have some samples related to it please provide me, I am new to this infragistics controls.



  • 20255
    Suggested Answer
    Offline posted


    Thank you for contacting us.

    I have created a sample for you in order to show you how to get data from a database. In the .zip you will find a backup file, just restore it (with Microsoft Sql Management Studio) and make te necesary changes to the webconfig in order to have a correct connection string.


    1. <add name="IFRScorecardContext" connectionString="Data Source=IGBGSOFDS54;Initial Catalog=IFR_Test;Integrated Security=True;MultipleActiveResultSets=True" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" />


    Code snippet (View):

    1. <script type="text/javascript">
    2.         $(function () {
    3.             $.ajax({
    4.                 type: "POST",
    5.                 url: ' @Url.Action( "GetProjects" , "Projects" ) ',
    6.                 contentType: 'application/json; charset=utf-8',
    7.                 dataType: 'json',
    8.                 data: '{}',
    9.                 success: function (data) {
    10.                     $("#projects").igGrid({
    11.                         autoGenerateColumns: true,
    12.                         autofitLastColumn: false,
    13.                         width: "100%",
    14.                         dataSourceType: "json",
    15.                         responseContentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
    16.                         dataSource: data,
    17.                         columns: [
    18.                             { headerText: "Submit Date", key: "IFRSubmittalDate", dataType: "date", width: "10%" },
    19.                             { headerText: "Status", key: "ProjectStatus", dataType: "string", width: "20%" },
    20.                             { headerText: "PVID", key: "PVID", dataType: "number", width: "10%" },
    21.                             { headerText: "WO#", key: "WorkOrder", dataType: "number", width: "10%" },
    22.                             { headerText: "Type", key: "ReqType", dataType: "string", width: "10%" },
    23.                             { headerText: "OPCO", key: "OperatingCompany", dataType: "string", width: "10%" },
    24.                             { headerText: "Station", key: "Station", dataType: "string", width: "20%" }
    25.                         ],
    26.                         features: [
    27.                             {
    28.                                 name: 'Sorting'
    29.                             },
    30.                             {
    31.                                 name: 'Tooltips'
    32.                             },
    33.                             {
    34.                                 name: 'Selection'
    35.                             },
    36.                             {
    37.                                 name: 'Filtering'
    38.                             },
    39.                             {
    40.                                 name: 'Paging'
    41.                             },
    42.                             {
    43.                                 name: 'Resizing'
    44.                             },
    45.                             {
    46.                                 name: 'ColumnMoving'
    47.                             }
    48.                         ]
    49.                     });
    50.                 }
    51.             });
    52.         });
    53.     </script>

     Code snippet (Controller):

    1. public ActionResult Index()
    2.         {
    3.             return View();
    4.         }
    7.         public JsonResult GetProjects()
    8.         {
    9.                 var data = db.Projects.Select(x => new
    10.                 {
    11.                     x.IFRSubmittalDate,
    12.                     x.ProjectStatus,
    13.                     x.PVID,
    14.                     x.WorkOrder,
    15.                     x.ReqType,
    16.                     x.OperatingCompany,
    17.                     x.Station
    18.                 })
    19.                     .Where(p => p.ProjectStatus == "Sent for Review" || p.ProjectStatus == "Under Review").ToList();
    22.                 //string data = new JavaScriptSerializer().Serialize(projects);
    23.                 if (data != null)
    24.                 {
    25.                     return new JsonResult() { Data = data, JsonRequestBehavior = JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet };
    26.                 }
    27.                 return new JsonResult() { Data = new object[]{}, JsonRequestBehavior = JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet };
    28.         }


    Code snippet (Model):


    1. public partial class Project
    2.     {
    5.         public int ProjectID { get; set; }
    6.         public string Station { get; set; }
    7.         [Display(Name="OPCO")]
    8.         public string OperatingCompany { get; set; }
    9.         [Display(Name="Proj Desc")]
    10.         public string ProjectDescription { get; set; }
    11.         public int PVID { get; set; }
    12.         [Display(Name="WO#")]
    13.         public string WorkOrder { get; set; }
    14.         [Display(Name = "AEP Lead")]
    15.         public string AEPLead { get; set; }
    16.         [Display(Name = "OEC Company")]
    17.         public string OECCompany { get; set; }
    18.         [Display(Name = "OEC Location")]
    19.         public string OECTeamLocation { get; set; }
    20.         [Display(Name = "OEC Engineer")]
    21.         public string OECEngineer { get; set; }
    22.         [Display(Name = "OEC Engineer's AEP Experience (years)")]
    23.         public int OECEngAEPExperience { get; set; }
    24.         [Display(Name = "OEC Engineer's Experience (years)")]
    25.         public int OECEngOverallExperience { get; set; }
    26.         [Display(Name = "OEC Peer Reviewer")]
    27.         public string OECPeerReviewer { get; set; }
    28.         [Display(Name = "OEC Peer Reviewer's AEP Experience (years)")]
    29.         public int OECPeerAEPExperience { get; set; }
    30.         [Display(Name = "OEC Peer Reviewer's Experience (years)")]
    31.         public int OECPeerOverallExperience { get; set; }
    32.         [Display(Name = "OEC QA Completed?")]
    33.         public string QACompleted { get; set; }
    34.         [Display(Name = "IFR Submittal Date")]
    35.         [DataType(DataType.Date)]
    36.         public System.DateTime IFRSubmittalDate { get; set; }
    37.         [Display(Name = "AEP's IFR Return Date")]
    38.         [DataType(DataType.Date)]
    39.         public System.DateTime AEPIFRReturnDate { get; set; }
    40.         [Display(Name = "IFC Submittal Date")]
    41.         [DataType(DataType.Date)]
    42.         public System.DateTime IFCSubmittalDate { get; set; }
    43.         [Display(Name = "ProjectWise IFR Folder URL")]
    44.         public string ProjectwiseIFRFolderURL { get; set; }
    45.         [Display(Name = "IFR Status")]
    46.         public string ProjectStatus { get; set; }
    47.         [Display(Name = "IFR Type")]
    48.         public string ReqType { get; set; }
    49.     }

  • 20255
    Offline posted

    If I may be of further assistance do not hesitate to contact me.