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Upgrade UltraWebGrid v10.1


We have a legacy web application that uses UltraWebGrid v10.1. This webgrid is not databound to data but completely constructed in code by using the control's API in C#. We also make use of the clientside API in javascript, especially the BeforeEnterEdit and AfterExitEdit events.

Starting from Internet Explorer version 9 we have functionality problems with the control. On clicking a cell the edit controls do not always appear

Do you have any recommendations on how to keep the component functional on IE9+ browsers? If this is not possible what would be the best way to upgrade the component?

thank you for your support


  • 20255
    Offline posted


    Thank you for contacting us.

    According our supported environments IE9 supports NetAdvantage 10.2 and later. My suggestion is to upgrade your product to a newer version. Version 10.2 uses the old classic controls, from version 11.2 the new Aikido controls step in.

    You basically have two options:
    1) Migrate to the new controls. In other words change all the old controls with their new aikido equivalents. However keep in mind that will require a considerable amount of effort since the Aikido controls are based on a different framework and most of the properties ,methods and events will not match with the ones you had for the classical controls.
    2) You can use the so called version-free assemblies. They ship as part of the installation so you can find them in the directory where you installed the product. By default it should be:
    C:\Program Files (x86)\Infragistics\NetAdvantage 2012.2\ASP.NET\Version-Free
    These  assemblies can be used with other assembly versions. So you can use your old assemblies for the classical controls together with them. There’s an example and a walkthrough on how to set that up in the “I am in the middle of migrating over to the new toolset, how can I use both Classic & New Controls?” section at the following link:
    There are two download links there. Select the one for your CLR. The download will contain an “Upgrade Guide” and a zipped example “OldAndNew”.
    Let me know if you have any questions or if you need further assistance.

    There were no major product changes between NetAdvantage 2009  and  NetAdvantage 2011 volume 1. The only change that may cause issues during the process of upgrading your application to use the newer version is the assembly name changes in 11.1. They're described here under section “Assembly and Namespace Changes”:
    You can try using the upgrade utility to upgrade your application:

    If you cannot upgrade your project using Version Upgrade Utility you can upgrade your project manually by following these steps:
    1.     Get a copy of your project that you have not modified with Version Utility
    2.     Make a backup copy of your project
    3.     Replace all old assemblies in the Bin folder with the new
    4.     Open your project with Visual Studio and press Ctrl+H (Quick Replace)
    Enter the following Values:

    Find what:  .v9.x Version=9.x.200xx.xxxx  This should be your current version of ver.9.x , you will need to change it.
    Replace with:  .v14.1, Version=14.1.20141.2011 (This is the current version)
    Look in: Entire Solution Select Entire Solutions to change all existing references in your project
                            Click on the “Replace All” button

    Please note that it is very important to enter the exact versions
    5.     Create a new empty project or website and drag any control from ver 14.1. A  new ig_res folder will be generated in the project. Copy this folder to your project if there is such folder then overwrite it.
    6.     Remove licenses.licx and App_Licenses.dll the should be located in:
    7.     Clean and rebuild your project.

    If I may be of further assistance do not hesitate to contact me.

  • 20255
    Offline posted

    Let me know if I can help you further with this.