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Message for when no data

Is there a built-in way to just show a configurable message below the headers when the datasource contains no data?  I have been building in logic to flip Hidden between a UILabel and the grid, as well as code to position both of them.  It would save some time if this were already built in on the grid.  Thanks!

  • 4940
    Suggested Answer
    Offline posted

    The IGGridView currently doesn't have this feature built-in. I recommend submitting this idea to our NucliOS Ideas page.

    Despite not being built-in, one way you can achieve this is by creating a class that inherits from IGGridViewDataSourceHelper and overriding the gridView:numberOfRowsInSection: method. If the data count is 0 then set the backgroundView of the IGGridView, otherwise remove the backgroundView and return the number of rows. An example is attached to this post demonstrating this solution.

    Note: The IGGridView's backgroundView is automatically resized to match the size of the grid view. The view is placed as a subview of the grid view behind all cells, header views and footer views.
  • 21795
    Offline posted

    Hello Michael,

    I am just checking about the progress of this issue. Let me know if you need our further assistance on it.

    Thank you for using Infragistics Components.