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UltraToolbarManager PopupMenuItemUIElement Selection color

I'm trying to override the color and rectangle size of the selected main menu item. However I can't tell if the mouse is over that element.

In the BeforeDrawBackColor phase of the Drawfilter on the UltraToolbarsManager:

if (drawParams.Element is PopupMenuItemUIElement)
   PopupMenuItemUIElement popupMenuItemUIElement = (PopupMenuItemUIElement)drawParams.Element;

   if(true)   // I'd like to replace this with a check if the mouse is over this menu item
      Rectangle originalRect = popupMenuItemUIElement.DrawingRectInsideBorders;
      SolidBrush solidBrush = drawParams.CreateSolidBrush(DefaultHoverMenuBackgroundColor);
      Int32 verticalCenteringShift = (originalRect.Height - 20) / 2;
      Rectangle drawingRect = new Rectangle(originalRect.X+24, originalRect.Y + verticalCenteringShift, originalRect.Width-24, 20);
      drawParams.Graphics.FillRectangle(solidBrush, drawingRect);

      allPaintingHandled = true;
