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DiagramConnection content position

How do I change the content position on a DiagramConnection?

I tried using ContentPosition.Offset but that didn't seem to do anything.

I have a Rhombus (workflow decision) shape and I want the content of the connection that loops back to another DiagramNode to appear next to the Rhombus and not centered on the DiagramConnection.

Basically, how would I do that... in .Net code (not XAML).

Example code I have:

StepConnection = New Infragistics.Controls.Charts.DiagramConnection

StepConnection.StartNode = EndLoopNode

StepConnection.StartNodeKey = EndLoopNode.Name

StepConnection.StartNodeConnectionPointName = "Left"

StepConnection.EndNode = BeginLoopNode

StepConnection.EndNodeKey = BeginLoopNode.Name

StepConnection.EndNodeConnectionPointName = "Left"

StepConnection.Content = "Yes"