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Style and Selection for Row in XamGrid

Hello, I am really new to Infragistics and XamGrid...

I have a XamGrid whose ItemsSource is bound  to an ObservableCollection.  The ObservableCollection contains objects that have a property called IsSelected (type bool).

I want to do the following two things:

1) Create a style for the row so that when the row gets selected a property in its datacontext gets set. If I were using a ListoBox I would say:

<Style TargetType="{x:Type ListBoxItem}">

<Setter Property="IsSelected" Value="{Binding Path=IsSelected, Mode=TwoWay}"/> //Selected


2) When the user doubleclicks on a row I want to execute an action (through an ICommand) defined in its DataContext (the object contained in the ObservableCollection).

This may be simple for most of you but I could really use the help.

Thanks in advance!