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Shortcut CTRL + W is being swallowed by UltraToolBarsManager

Dear Infragistics Team

Our currently installed version is V10.3, WinForms.

We use the UltraToolBarsManager in our WinForms-Application for dynamically creating a MenuBar.

Everything works fabulous, except one thing:

If we define the CtrlW as a shortcut for a button on the menubar, the event 'ToolClick' is not fired whenever the user hits CTRL + W for closing the window.

However, when I disable the ShortCut CtrlW, set the property 'KeyPreview' of the MDI-Child to 'True' and handle the KeyDown-Event, then the CTRL + W combination gets caught!

So somehow the UltraToolBarsManager seems to be swallowing this ShortCut.

And the weird thing is: For anything but the CtrlW it seems to work!

Of course there is a workaround by manually handling every mdichild's keydown-event. But I would only handle the MenuBar ToolClick-Event for this.

I would be very pleased if you could explain me why this Shortcut is not working properly.

Kind Regards

Fabian Bigler