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Identify Column Drop on RowLayout with CardView


I have CardView with in which i am doing two types of action 1) dragging and dropping columns within that CardView to rearrange them and  2) Dragging and Dropping Column outside the Card View to delete them.

I want to know the name of events which are Happening. their must be different events for dragging outside cardview and different event for dragging within the cardview....  

  • 12480
    Suggested Answer
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    Hi Naresh,

    When a user moves a column to a new location or when the user drags a column off the form, AfterColPosChanged fires. Dragging columns off the form will hide them. You can use e.PosChanged to determine whether the column was Hidden, Moved, Sized, or Swapped.

    Please let me know if there is anything further I can do to help.