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Double Click on the added row to ultragrid only shows one row on the grid after binding though we have multiple rows in the datatable.


I have an Ultragrid for which I have a default row by which if we double click on the row, it opens up a new window form and once we enter the data in the form and close, all the data is saved in the datatable and is assigned to ultragrid's datasource. SO, in this way if I add multiple rows,I can see them on the ultragrid but If I try to edit the row by double clicking it on the row which I have already added which opens a window form with data autofilled , it only shows 1 row back in the ultragrid once I close the window from. I have checked the datasource of the grid which has all the rows but I only see one row on the grid after binding. Please help me out if I had to change any properties of the ultragrid.



  • 23930
    Offline posted

    Hi AB,

    Thank you for posting in our forums.

    Please provide us with a simplified sample project that reproduces this issue. This is going to be extremely helpful in researching this issue and finding what is the root cause for it.

    Thank you for your collaboration.

    I am looking forward to hearing from you.

  • 23930
    Offline posted

    Hello AB,

    I am just checking about the progress of this issue. Let me know if you need my further assistance on this issue.

    Thank you for using Infragistics Components.