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ListView in Appointment dialog


I am using attached XAML ResourceDictionary file (extension changed because of file upload types) as appointment class.

In this, I have added a ListView with a textbox and combobox and trying to populate data using two buttons.


1. Added this XAML file to my project.

2. Added a class in this ScheduleResource XAML file for code behind.

3. Added a listview and two buttons in ScheduleResource XAML file.

4. Now the click events for this two buttons are added in the code behind class.

5. I created another class to map the Appointment class properties.

6. I have another Window which has xamMonthView say this class is MonthCalendar. 

7. Now, when I load and open the month view -> Appointment, I can see my ListView and two buttons.

But when I try to add items to the listView they are not getting added.

Please can you tell me what I am missing here?

