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Exporting WinGrid to PDF will export the same grid every time.

I have various WinGrids throughout my program which I allow for export to PDF, Word, and Excel. Everything works great for the Excel and Word exports.

The first PDF export in each session in the program works great, but after that one, any other PDF exports will output the same grid as the first one exported in that session. I assume that somehow this is stuck in memory somewhere, but I cannot seem to find where, or how to clear it out. My Export Code is below:

Public Function ExportGridToPDF(ByVal grd As Infragistics.Win.UltraWinGrid.UltraGrid, ByVal strFileName As String, Optional blnRun As Boolean = True, Optional rptStruct As cPDRptStructure = Nothing, Optional blnPrint As Boolean = False, Optional PrinterName As String = "", Optional ExportAsync As Boolean = False) As String

If GetGridColCt(grd) > 50 Then
MessageBox.Show("A grid with more than 50 columns can not be exported to PDF.", "Warning", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error)
Return ""

If strFileName.Contains(":") = False Then strFileName = String.Concat(PDGen.GetTempDir, strFileName)

' Create a report

Dim MyRptSection As ISection
MyRptSection = mReport.AddSection

If rptStruct IsNot Nothing Then
Call AddHeader(MyRptSection, rptStruct)

Call AddFooter(MyRptSection, rptStruct)

If rptStruct.IncludePageNumbers Then Call AddPageNumbers(MyRptSection)
End If

'StatusMsg("Grid sent to PDF")
mstrFileName = strFileName
mblnRun = blnRun
mblnPrint = blnPrint
mPrinterName = PrinterName
If ExportAsync Then
' Export WinGrid to the section
mDoc.ExportAsync(grd, MyRptSection)
mDoc.Export(grd, MyRptSection)
End If

Return mstrFileName
End If
Catch ex As System.IO.IOException
MessageBox.Show("The file [" & strFileName & "] is currently open please close the file and try again.", "Warning", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning)
Return ""
Catch ex As Exception
PDGen.VBErr(ex, "ExportGridToExcel")
Return ""
End Try

End Function

mDoc is declared as the following:

Dim WithEvents mDoc As New UltraWinGrid.DocumentExport.UltraGridDocumentExporter

I have tried adding mDoc = New UltraWinGrid.DocumentExport.UltraGridDocumentExporter to the top of the ExportGridToPDF function, but this did not make a difference. 

If it matters, I am referencing Infragistics 14.2