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Ribbon button: property "enabled" not working properly


I created a Ribbon and an UltraTabControl. The ribbon starts with all the buttons disabled

I'm trying to enable/disable a specific ribbon button ("Print Preview") in dependance of the selected tab

I used the property .SharedProps.Enabled = True, but it seems not working (the button remain disabled all the time). I already set this property StartForm.RibbonManager.Office2007UICompatibility = False

  Private Sub TabControl1_SelectedTabChanged(sender As Object, e As SelectedTabChangedEventArgs) Handles TabControl1.SelectedTabChanged

        Dim PreviewButton As ButtonTool = StartForm.RibbonManager.Tools("Print Preview")
        StartForm.RibbonManager.Office2007UICompatibility = False

        Select Case e.Tab.Key

            Case Is = 1        
                PreviewButton.SharedProps.Enabled = True

            Case Else          
                PreviewButton.SharedProps.Enabled = False

        End Select


Thanks in advance for the help

