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How can I show my calendargroups in a tree view (outlook style)


I want to show my calendars I have created, in a TreeView style like outlook does.

CalendarGroup A

-> Calendar A

-> Calendar B

-> Calendar C

CalendarGroup B

-> Calendar A

-> Calendar B

CalendarGroup C

-> Calendar A

Here is what it looks like in outlook (not my application!)

How can I archive this?


  • 34510
    Verified Answer
    Offline posted

    Hi tegos,

    There is actually a calendar group collection on the XamScheduleDataManager which you would be able to bind to.  The downside to this is that the CalendarGroup class does not have a Name property or anything similar to that so all you will see in the tree is the full namespace for the CalendarGroup class.  In order to add a name I created a wrapper class for the CalendarGroup and added the name there.  When I create the CalendarGroups I also create this wrapper class and store the CalendarGroup inside it.  I can then bind a tree control to a collection of these wrapper objects and get a very similar view as what you would find in your outlook screenshot, complete with hiding and showing the calendars via checkbox.