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CellBinding to IsEnabled property


We are evaluating 15.1.  The CellBinding feature is a feature that we would really like to use, but I am running into an interesting issue.  I have the following code.  In the UI, the disabled cells show up gray and the enabled cells show up white, as expected.  However, I'm still able to edit and change the value of the disabled cells.  Is this a known issue, or am I doing something wrong?

<igdp:CurrencyField Name="Salary">


          <igdp:CellBinding Property="IsEnabled" Target="Editor" Binding="{Binding Path=DataItem.CanEditSalary}"/>



I'm pretty sure the binding is setup correctly, because as I noted, I do see the disabled cells being grayed out.

If I change the code as follows, all cells show up gray, as expected.  However, this time I am not able to edit the cells, which is the behavior I would expect to see.

<igdp:CurrencyField Name="Salary" IsEnabled="False" />

I can attach a sample project that shows this issue if need be.