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migrate UltraWebTree to webDataTree css class ?

Hi all,

i must to migrate all our web application with the new version of infragistics v15.1

in a page i have a ultra web tree, i've change to webDataTree in design mode

in c# , i have this :

TreeCtrl.Nodes[0].HoverClass = "Tn";
TreeCtrl.Nodes[0].Style.ForeColor = Color.DarkGray;

i've find for hoverClass, change to HoverCssClass but how to keept the same design and find properties style, hilitieClass, and style.ForeColor in my sample with the webDataTree ?

thanks for your time

  • 25665
    Offline posted

    Hello Christophe,

    Thank you for contacting Infragistics!

    I have done some looking into this matter and have the following information. All the CSS/Styles for the WebDataTree are done through the stylesheets in the ig_res/”styleName” folder by default this is ig_res/Default. For the WebDataTree the file name is ig_dataTree.css. In this file if you want to affect the style of the node you would edit the igdt_Node CSS class. For hover it would be igdt_NodeHover. There is also igdt_NodeActive for the active node.

    Please let me know if you have any further questions concerning this matter.