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XamGrid Record count with GroupByRows


I'm looking to find the most effecient way to count the number of XamGrid Data Rows when a XamGrid contains 1 more levels of GroupByRows. Right now, to achieve the ability to count with unlimited GroupBy levels, I've created a Recursive function that loops thru the rows and checks if it's a data row or groupby row. (I would have just used the record count of the ItemSource, but I need to also take filtering into account)

I just want to know if this is the most effecient way of getting the data row count from the XamGrid.


private int LoopThruGroupRows(RowCollection rowsint i)
            for (int z = 0z <= rows.Countz++)
                if (rows[z!= null)
                    if (rows[z].RowType == Infragistics.Controls.Grids.RowType.GroupByRow)
                        GroupByRow gRow = (GroupByRow)rows[z];
                        i = LoopThruGroupRows(gRow.Rowsi);
                    else if (rows[z].RowType == Infragistics.Controls.Grids.RowType.DataRow)
            return i;
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