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UltraCombo autocomplete filter any column, not just DisplayMember

We have an UltraCombo with multiple columns.  It's currently set to AutoCompleteMode = SuggestAppend.  We'd like to be able to quickly filter the drop-down by any column without having to use the column filter interface that is built into the column header.

For example:

Last    First   Middle
------- ------- ----------
Stevens Robert Tanner
George  Steven Paul
Black   George Robert


If the user types "GEO", we'd like it to AutoComplete on the Last name column, but display the last two rows in the dropped-down grid as possible matches (since it also matches on the First name of the last row).

Alternately, we'd like to add an UltraTextEditor above each column (sized the same) when the combo is dropped-down to allow a quick filter on that column.

This will be primarily used in a keyboard-centric environment where a lot of "mousing" is not desired.  Using the column filter interface, while feature-rich, is just unwieldy and over-complicated for our users.

Anyone have an idea on how to accomplish DataSource-wide AutoComplete, not just on the DisplayMember?

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