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WebExcelExporter Button Click Event To Hide ModalPopupExtender

protected void btnOKExport_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) {

string filename = HttpUtility.UrlEncode(this.txtFileNameExport.Text);

filename = filename.Replace("+", "%20");

this.eExporter.DownloadName = filename;

this.eExporter.DataExportMode = (DataExportMode)Enum.Parse(typeof(DataExportMode), this.rdoExportTypeExport.SelectedValue);

this.eExporter.WorkbookFormat = (Infragistics.Excel.WorkbookFormat)Enum.Parse(typeof(Infragistics.Excel.WorkbookFormat), "Excel97To2003");

bool singleGridPerSheet = false;

this.eExporter.Export(singleGridPerSheet, this.webDGExport);

} I want to hide the modalpopup extender after the above button click event which is not happening. Please help.

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