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Signal dataChart


we are evaluating the possibility to buy your component to do something like this:

Each curve represent a signal and so is a different series.


 - With Line series I'm not able to set range on X axis, so how can i get a result like this, with a range that goes from 1 to 10? (consider that user have also the possibility to cut the range wherever he wants causing some data to disappear)

- Is there a way to display a normal distribution (or gaussian curve) with 3 points or we have to calculate it?

- Is there the possibility to manipulate visually the graph? (like clicking on one point and move the curve?)

Point 2 and 3 are not mandatory because we can do it with workarounds but the first one is.

Thank you,


Ps: I've noticed that the image in the forum is truncated, basically in the right side that is missing there is the X axis going up to 10 with some white space like in the beginning.

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