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XamDataGrid, Collapsing a column based on a visibility value


I have already seen a few examples about this issue. But i am not able to correlate to my problem. Please help me in doing it.

My problem is that i have a datagrid with two fields and i want to collapse one field based on a visibility value change in the code.

The XAML code part where i define the fields is as follows :




<igDP:Field Visibility="{Binding Source={StaticResource ViewModel}, Path=bRValidation_Display}" Name="BO" Label="BLine Operation" />

<igDP:Field Name="ROperation" Label="ROperation"/>




and the resources is defined in the start as


<rvm:OViewerViewModel x:Key="ViewModel"/>


and rvm namespace is defined in the starting !!


the C# code where i define the visibility variable is

public Visibility bRValidation_Display


get { return

bVisibility; }



bVisibility =value;



This visibility value is set in the later part of the code . I tried to check the values using breakpoints and found that the visibility value of the BrValidation_Display when checked in the XAML code in the fields line during execution can be seen as collapsed . but the output window still shows the field in the grid without collapsing it . Is the value not binded properly or the problem is related to the visual tree. Where am i going wrong. Please provide me a way to correct this as well.

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