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WPF XamDataGrid DragDrop MVVM behaviour


I've been scouring your forums all day and have not found a suitable response to my question yet :-(

I have a custom FrameworkElementDragBehaviour class that is defined as: -

public class FrameworkElementDragBehaviour : System.Windows.Interactivity.Behavior<FrameworkElement>{...}

that handles MouseDown/MouseLeave events of the AssociatedObject.

Does the XamDataGrid have a DependencyObject to which I can bind this behaviour??? Something similar to: -





But for the Selected Rows in the grid. Is this possible? I need an MVVM solution with NO code-behind.

I need to be able to drag one or more rows from the grid onto a TreeViewControl. I'm not concerned at this stage with the drop behaviour, however.

Sorry about the message formatting!!! :-)



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