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xamComboEditor selection bug

Hello, I have a problem with XamComboEditor item selection. My NetAdvantage version is 2012.2 v12.2.20122.229 and I use Windows 7 x64. I do not know if you still support this version, but here is my problem anyways:

My example demonstrates how I take a collection and bind it to a XamComboEditor and then call ToList() on it and bind it to a second XamComboEditor. Then I will select an item in both boxes, this will work correctly if you add a return; statement right after. If I however do EXACTLY the same thing again, no item will be selected in the box with the ToList() binding. In the other box the item will be selected correctly. The item I am selecting both times is Equal by obj reference AND the Equals method.
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  • 410

    The weirdest thing is that if I put the second bind/selection logic into a method and call it from a button event handler, it will work correctly. Not however if I call it from the constructor right after the first selection/bind. Added example