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Image within Formatted Text Column


I'm trying to insert an image into a column with FormattedText. 

I tried the standard `e.Row.Cells["ColumnName"].Appearance.Image = Resources.warning32;` and it doesn't work.

After I discovered that the FormattedText box uses a proprietary xml/html-esque format, I tried setting the formatted text to "<img src="warning32.png" /> My text here ". However that also doesn't work.

Any advice  or suggestions are appreciated.


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  • 28925
    Suggested Answer
    Offline posted

    Hello Cameron,

    To achieve this you can first set the Style of the column to FormattedText and populate the column with images. The grid in this scenario is bound to an UltraDataSource with a single column that is popuplated with XML strings that contain embedded image data. The xml is gerenated from the images in an ImageList component. I put together a sample that demonstrates this.

    Let me know if you have any questions regarding this matter.
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