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igGrid Event Handlers

I am a long time UltraWinGrid user. Been using NetAdvantage since 2004.

I have a large code base of WinForm grids that I need to move to ASP.NET MVC.

Currently the code makes heavy use of the UltraWinGrid event handlers and I am unclear about how to migrate the event handling code to the igGrid.

I have checked the igGrid API documentation and do not find what I'm looking for.

Given the list below of UltraWinGrid event handlers and their method names below, can you give me the equivalent igGrid event handlers and methoid names?

The UltraWinGrid event handlers that are being used fall into the following categories:

Grid Events:

        event InitializeLayoutEventHandler InitializeLayout;

Row Events

        event CancelableRowEventHandler BeforeRowUpdate;         

        event BeforeRowInsertEventHandler BeforeRowInsert;

        event RowEventHandler AfterRowInsert;

        event EventHandler AfterRowsDeleted;

Cell Events

        event EventHandler AfterCellActivate;        

        event CellEventHandler AfterCellListCloseUp;     

        event CellEventHandler AfterCellUpdate;

        event CellEventHandler CellChange;        

        event CellEventHandler ClickCellButton;        

        event CancelEventHandler BeforeCellDeactivate;        

        event BeforeCellUpdateEventHandler BeforeCellUpdate;

Mouse Events

        event UIElementEventHandler MouseEnterElement;        

        event UIElementEventHandler MouseLeaveElement;

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