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Image button post back on webdialog close (x)


I have a image button which displays infragistics webdialog and the dialog needs to post back up on clicking 'Ok'(ok button inside the dialog). This works fine. The dialog page also has cancel button which hides dialog page when clicked. This too is working fine. Ok and cancel has onclick events which work fine(window state is hidden). But only problem occuring is when I try to close window (hit x on top right corner of webdialog) is that it is posting back. If I use link button instead of image button, this works fine (even though link button also opens webdialog and posts back when ok is clicked inside the web dialog and hides dialog when cancel clicked). I tried all the options but could not supress post back on closing web dialog. I used below but nothing works. Please help me.

return false at the end of function , onmouseover=" = 'pointer';"

onclientclick instead of onclick,

type="button" instead of type="submit" (default)


CausesValidation = False

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