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$ig.loader not working

My script never reaches to the second alert i.e. alert("hi1"). I think there is some problem with my ig.loader any helps??

I have this Report1.igr report that I am trying to display on this Repot.cshtml page but nothing appears except the heading


scriptPath: "@Url.Content("~/Scripts/Infragistics")",
cssPath: "@Url.Content("~/Content/Infragistics/")",
resources: "igReportViewer"
alert("Hi 1");

$.ig.loader(function () {
alert("hi 2");
height: 600,
renderSettings: {
definitionUri: 'ReportingClassLibrary;component/Report1.igr',
serviceEndpointUri: "ReportService.svc/ajaxAddress/"

// ]]>

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