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Is it possible to build a TimePicker using XamDateTimeInput

I'm thinking of building a TimePicker with below format

[ 4:21 PM <Spin Button>] 

Before investing time to investigate this possibility.Wanted to know from the Team ,Is it approach good.

If you aware of any other Infragistics control which provides this functionality .

Please help.

  • 12875

    Hi Raj, 

    Yes you can create a time picker with just the hours, minutes and AM/PM showing by using the XamDateTimeInput control. 

    Set the SpinButtonDisplayMode to Always and SpinIncrement to “1m”.  Then set the Mask to “hh:mm tt” 

    The calendar will not expand because of your mask.  If you wanted to include months, days or years in your mask then you would need to set the DropDownButtonDisplayMode to Never, if you didn’t want to see the calendar. 

    <ig:XamDateTimeInput Width="200"  Height="20"

                         Mask="hh:mm tt" 


                         SpinIncrement="1m"   /> 

    Let me know if you have any questions.


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