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I have a composite line chart with one x axis and up to 8 y axis. All is good. I have written some code to reset the tick intervals as needed and that works.  Now I have two problems.  I have axis.TimeAxisStyle.TimeAxisStyle = RulerGenre.Continuous.  When I zoom and scroll the x axis values change and the chart area does not scroll only the lines and the x axis labels are pushed down underneath my legend. When I set axis.TimeAxisStyle.TimeAxisStyle = RulerGenre.Discrete the zoom/scroll behavior is what I want (the whole area to scroll left and right and keep x axis label static), however, the x axis disregards all the tickmark interval settings now and overlaps the layers if I choose a larger amount of data records to chart, but the labels are now up from underneath the legend.

Attached pic discreet.jpg show the overlapping and ignoring the tickmark settings

Attached pic continuous1.jpg show the chart set on continuous and the labels are good but continuous2.jpg shows what happens when I zoom/scroll.

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