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Form background color not getting updated

I think I must be missing something on AppStylist because I can't seem to get it to update the background color of my Windows forms. I've added an InboxControlStyler to the form and tried setting both the Inbox Control and Inbox form background color on the default styleset in the isl file but it doesn't seem to update the form. I've tried leaving the default style set name blank and setting it to Default. All Infragistics controls are properly updated with the styles defined in the isl file which I have attached to this post.

Any help is greatly appreciated.
  • 21795
    Offline posted

    Hello Frederick,

    Thank you for contacting Infragistics Support.

    In order to set the style of the in-box component you need to implement two steps:

        1. Load the style library you need to your solution. You need to load it before you initialize your form. You may use code like this:


        More about how to load style library file to your application you may find by following the next link

        2. Place InboxControlStyler component to your form.

    Please find attached a sample solution implementing this approach.

    Please let me know if this is what you are looking for or if I am missing something.
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